What Remote Learners can Learn From Remote Workers

What Remote Learners can Learn From Remote Workers

With the school year back in full-swing, many students at PS Academy and around the nation will be staying home and continuing their studies through remote means.

While this isn’t the ideal situation, we are much better prepared for the upcoming year and our remote learning capabilities. 

It’s not just students that will be heading online, but many former office workers are heading to their living room tables or sofas in order to continue working.

The remote world can’t always be as entertaining as this hilarious Apple commercial but there are definitely some things that we as remote learners can learn from the remote workers of the world.

Keep a Schedule

Even though it might be the easiest thing in the world to switch off that alarm clock, it’s vital that you keep a schedule while learning from home.

Class schedules will stay consistent throughout the year and that means everyone at home should stay consistent as well.

So keep the alarm clock on, eat breakfast at the regular time, and put on some clothes other than your PJs (although we know they’re super comfortable). That way, you can make sure you have the right mindset each day.

Take Breaks

During on-campus learning, we have breaks in between classes, lunch breaks, and other times to give your mind a little rest. You should be doing the same at home!

Watch a funny YouTube video, grab a snack, or go sit outside. Your mind needs rest and staying “on” 24/7 isn’t going to do anyone any good. Over time, you’ll get tired and lose focus making learning and listening more difficult.


Get Moving

With remote learning and working, you’re likely going to be in one place all day. Whether that’s your bedroom desk, the kitchen table, or some other place, they all have one thing in common: sitting down.

Our bodies weren’t meant to sit all day so it’s necessary that you get up and move around. Go for a walk outside, take your dog to the corner and back, or go shoot some hoops in the driveway.

Staying active will ensure you’re staying physically fit as well. Moving around the hallways, getting up from your desk and more may not be “exercise” in the traditional sense, but you are standing up and stretching.

If you’re finding it hard to find time to get up and move, make a point to do it after work or during your lunch hour. 

Be Sure to Socialize

If there’s one thing we’ve been missing the most this year, it’s seeing everyone’s faces. We know that you all have been missing your friends as well.

Many professionals try to have a “coffee break” online in order to catch up and/or socialize or have a weekly lunch meeting. 

One great way to keep up with friends is through Zoom or other video calling. Maybe you share a hobby and can meet up online, like a video game or fun activity.

When possible and safe, meet up with friends outside your home. If that’s not a possibility, find ways to do it virtually! We know everyone will be happy to see each other!