Getting Your Child Ready for the New School Year

For many, the end of summer is a sad time for children and a (controlled) happy time for parents. It’s time to dust off the backpacks, resharpen pencils, and get those notebooks organized as kids starting heading back to school.

This year, however, is different. Instead of a 2.5-3 month break that everyone is used to, it’s been a 5-6 month break from walking in the classroom. Even though it’s what we’ve been accustomed to for years, it may take some getting used to.

So, how do you go about getting your child ready for school after such a long break?

Get Warmed Up

The world’s best athletes don’t show up to their field of play and immediately jump into a game. They take the time to warm up, stretch, and get some practice shots or throws in before the lights come on.

For starters, you should tell your child multiple times throughout the summer when school is expected to begin again. Keep it marked on a calendar and even ‘X’ out the days leading up to the date.

While we won’t be playing any loud intro music or packing the hallways with hundreds of adoring fans, taking time to get warmed up will be helpful for you and your child.

Start setting your alarm earlier, run through a normal morning routine, and even consider driving by the school to get reacquainted. This way, that first day won’t be such a shock to the system.

Set Goals

While many people wait until New Year’s Day to set their resolutions, why not do them a bit early?

Make sure these goals are wide-ranging. They can be anything from getting a good grade in math to reading a book a month to even beating that video game they haven’t been able to beat.

That way, they can mentally prepare for a fresh start and get back into the school mindset.

Reminisce a Bit

Even though this past year was cut short, that doesn’t mean there weren’t plenty of positive moments.

If your child is anxious or nervous about walking through the school doors again, take time to look over photos or videos of past activities. Show them pictures with their friends to remind them that school is more than just homework and assignments.


Talk about how you can’t wait to look back on the photos from this upcoming year and all the memories they’re going to make.

Get Them Ready for the New Normal

We’ve heard that phrase a lot over the last few months and it also extends to us here at PS Academy. It seems every public place has their own new set of rules and we’re also adapting.

That’s why we’re going to be offering both in-person and virtual classrooms when the year starts up again. Even though your child may be ready to head back in the classroom, it’s necessary to get them used to the idea that virtual classrooms may be continuing for the immediate future.

Whatever you decide on will be where your student will be for the entire first quarter, so make sure you lay out the pros and cons with them. Make it feel like a joint decision instead of a one-sided decision.

But with our experience over the last few months, we will be sticking to more of a concrete schedule and the students will be participating with the teacher in realtime.

For those students that will be joining us on campus, things may look a little different. Students will be bunched together in cohorts and follow a new set of safety precautions. We know everyone is looking forward to being together, but we will be trying to keep student interactions to a minimum.

Promote the Idea of “New” and “Beginning”

Soon, the 2019-2020 school year will be in the past and everyone will have the 2020-2021 year on the brain. With a calendar and verbal shift, now is the time to promote the idea of a new beginning and fresh start.

This past school year will always stick out for plenty of negative things that happened but now it’s time to focus on what will be different this year.

Maybe your child struggled academically or socially but this next year can be a new year. It’s time for them to discover a new hobby, make a new friend, or find something new they’re passionate about.

We’re excited to have everyone back in school (physically or virtually) and please reach out if you have any questions. See everyone soon!