What is Aspergers?

What is Asperger’s? 

Some people are born with a different way of perceiving the world. They feel compelled to live by exact, self-imposed rules. They have difficulties in communicating with others and struggle to both understand and be understood. They display brilliance in certain areas while being utterly overwhelmed in others. They have a condition known as Asperger's Syndrome. What is Asperger's exactly? 


Asperger's, by definition, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that forms part of the broader range of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD's.) Its exact cause is not fully understood and still requires significant research. There is evidence that it can be inherited, and though genetics likely play a considerable link, environmental factors also have a role. Medical investigation and brain scanning have not so far been able to find a conclusive similarity between those with Asperger's and those who don't. It has, however, been seen that boys are much more likely to receive a diagnosis of Asperger's than girls


Asperger's Syndrome has several hallmark features, the most common of which is an obsessive interest in a tightly defined subject. Rigidity, in general, is another defining feature of this disorder. Those with this syndrome face extreme difficulty in changing their mind, even when presented with overwhelming evidence. The nuances of facial expression, body language, and non-verbal communication are frequently lost on those with Asperger’s. Grasping how to ride a bike or climb can cause difficulties as they struggle with essential motor skills. and Sometimes understanding that they must adjust the volume of their voice depending on the environment they are in is not easy. 

Diagnosis & Treatment 

Children with Asperger's typically begin to display characteristics before the age of two, though some may begin school without receiving a diagnosis. Difficulties in social interactions and struggles to cope with schoolwork often lead swiftly towards formal assessment. Children are assessed on their language development, interest in social interaction, and coordination and fine motor skills. After a diagnosis is made, treatment options can be considered. While Asperger's has no cure, those with it can make fantastic progress under the right conditions. Depending on the circumstances, children can receive speech and language therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training, and even medication. 

Bigger Picture

Asperger's affects 37.2 million people globally, and many with this diagnosis go on to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. The prognosis for someone with this condition is highly favorable, especially with the proper support. Adults with Asperger's can live independently, form platonic and romantic relationships, and experience success in the workplace. Some may even no longer fit the criteria as adults.

PS Academy Arizona is a specialized private school offering students with ASD’s specialized programs, clubs and electives. To learn more about us, don’t hesitate to reach out. For more content like this to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter below.


Here at PS Academy Arizona, students love coming to school. Why? Because here, they aren't defined by their diagnosis. They shine when they identify their abilities, are accepted for their differences, make friends, and discover new skills. They are given the tools and the responsibility they need to be challenged and inspired to excel in school and beyond.