Choosing Autism Education: Lessons From My Son’s Journey

Choosing Autism Education: Lessons From My Son’s Journey

The decision to enroll your child in a private school program is a momentous one. As the Director of Admissions at PS Academy Arizona and the mom of a son with autism, what I have experienced in my years of parent/student interviews has led me to an important question, “when is the right time to seek out a private school that specializes in autism?” Here, I share the trials and tribulations of choosing a school (with the caveat that these are my personal experiences) in hopes to shed light on the challenges.

3 Mistakes I Made When Looking for a School for My Son with Autism

  1. I put my child in a mainstream school thinking it would help him develop more typical behaviors.

When my son was entering elementary school, it never occurred to me to consider choosing a private school. I was like so many others of you who believed, “if my son is around a lot of neuro-typical kids, he will start to model those behaviors and it will be good for his growth both academically and socially!” But was it? At first, things seemed to be working out fairly well. He parallel-played, learned his alphabet, received Speech and OT services. The other students, while not always including him in their activities, were not openly hostile or mean. But as the years went by, the divide widened and it became clear that my son was his own unique self and was not going to conform to his peers. Some kids became unkind, pointing out the differences they saw. His self-esteem plummeted and my heart broke. 

2. I exhausted all options first - going through the ups and downs of switching public schools instead of considering a private school earlier on. 

My regret? The years that I watched him “power through,” not enjoying his time in school. The bullying, the sad times, the struggles. I ask myself now why I waited so long to make the move. Truth is, I thought I was doing the right thing.  Now when I meet with parents of students in K-6th who are considering enrollment at PS Academy, I always take a moment to commend them for their early advocacy, for reaching out of the comfort zone of public or charter schools to see what other options their student has. 

3. We stayed at a school because it wasn’t ‘terrible’ but it also wasn’t great. Change was scary. 

Sometimes it takes courage to make a big change. But oftentimes we question ourselves later asking why we didn’t do it sooner. I wish that my son had started early on in such a supportive environment so that instead of having to rebuild his broken spirit he could have thrived from day one. With a little preparation and planning, you can help your child calmly navigate the transition and set them up for a brighter future.

Finding PS Academy was a gift. Within weeks my son’s smile returned, his grades improved dramatically with the right support in place, and, much to my surprise, it was being around other students with autism that truly helpedhim to thrive. He graduated, has an amazing job, and has confidently found his niche in life.

→ Read more testimonials from parents, students, and staff at PS Academy Arizona here.

Free Tuition… Yes Please!

Choosing a private school for your child with autism is hard, and tuition confusion only seems to complicate matters. Take the stress off your plate with this helpful guide to Arizona’s private school funding opportunities. 

→ Discover our free ESA and STO guide here.

About PS Academy Arizona

PS Academy Arizona is one of the leading K-12 autism schools in Gilbert, AZ. Our sensory-friendly campus offers a personalized curriculum, a comprehensive range of clubs and electives, and a welcoming learning environment for students with autism and other exceptionalities. 

Learn more about our elementary programs or schedule a tour with one of our enrollment specialists today. We can’t wait to see your child thrive!

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