8 Fun Hobbies and Activities for Kids With Autism

8 Fun Hobbies and Activities for Kids With Autism

Children with autism can have a tendency to fixate on their specialized interests. Every once in a while, encouraging them to explore new avenues makes it possible for them to open up to previously unexplored activities and rewards them for trying new things. This list includes hobbies your child can do solo, but trying out these activities with each other allows you to spend quality time together, while helping them build valuable social and life skills that will help them fulfill their potential in other areas. Bid adieu to the boredom blues with this awesome list of autism-friendly hobbies for kids. 

8 Activities and Hobbies for Your Child With Autism 

  1. Playing an Instrument

Music is a multisensory experience and can have a calming effect on the nervous system. Playing an instrument provides your child an outlet to creatively express themselves through non-verbal communication and can also bring them a sense of focus and accomplishment. 

2. Baking 

Baking or cooking can be an engaging and relaxing way of teaching your child about math, science, and following directions. While creativity is at the heart of preparing a meal, the precision and structure of the baking process may appeal to your child’s sense of confidence and security. Bonus points—it’s hands-down the most delicious hobby on this list. 

3. Watercolor Painting

Artistic hobbies, like painting, provide a host of therapeutic benefits for those with autism. These activities provide a controlled environment that allows them to work through their stress and tap into their creativity. Painting with watercolor paints can be especially exciting for children with sensory needs. You can also find paint-by-the-number books at your local craft store, which may provide your child with a creative outlet, as well as a sense of order and security. 

4. Photography

Taking photos is a creative and memorable way to capture the world around us. It offers a unique perspective, encouraging children with autism to appreciate the beauty of their surroundings and stay grounded in the present moment. Tech-savvy kids and teens may especially enjoy editing photographs or creating digital art with the pictures they take.

5. Computer Programming 

Older kids on the autism spectrum may be intrigued by the structured and logical field of computer science. Programming promotes problem-solving, attention to detail, and the ability to focus on a task for an extended period. Video gaming is another computer hobby that may appeal to kids with autism and can provide them with a form of stress relief and social engagement.

6. Horseback Riding 

Horseback riding can be a therapeutic and sensory-rich activity that nurtures your child’s physical and emotional well-being at the same time. Ask around to find an instructor  who is knowledgeable about autism and can provide accommodations if needed.. 

7. Collecting Trains

A classic hobby for kids and adults, it’s no secret that many people with autism gravitate towards activities like trainspotting. The practice of collecting train numbers, routes, and schedules can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. There are many ways you can explore this railway interest with your child, from building replica models to curating antique train collectibles and memorabilia and reading books about transportation. 

8. Model Building 

If trains don’t appeal to your child, building models of airplanes, cars, or houses can help improve fine motor skills, executive functioning, and attention to detail. Creating something with their hands can inspire rewarding feelings of accomplishment as they watch their creation come to life. Don’t forget to be on the lookout for runaway Legos on the floor!

If you’re trying a new activity together with your child, it’s important to take it slow and remain flexible—it may take some time for them to warm up to an unfamiliar experience. With a pinch of patience and a positive mindset, you can support your child as they gain new experiences and discover what truly lights them up in life. 

Here’s to looking past the label and focusing on the able!

PS Academy Arizona is one of the leading autism schools in Gilbert, AZ. Our mission is to enrich the lives of students with autism and other exceptionalities, both academically and socially. To learn more about our sensory-friendly campus or one of our elementary or secondary programs, contact a member of our team today!